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Songs By Kris Kristofferson
On The Acoustic

Thanks for stopping by my songs by Kris Kristofferson page where you'll find a collection of demo covers and full lesson tutorials available for purchase along with several free chord sheets in .pdf format. Help yourself to the free chord sheets where available.

songs by kris kristofferson
Best Of All Possible Worlds
Border Lord
Help Me Make It Through The Night
Just The Other Side Of Nowhere
Loving Arms
Loving Her Was Easier
Me And Bobby McGee
This Old Road
Why Me Lord

Songs By Kris Kristofferson
Chords, Lyrics, Demos, Tutorials

Best Of All Possible Worlds

Album cover of Kristofferson featuring songs by Kris Kristofferson and the song Best Of All Possible Worlds

Best Of All Possible Worlds is a track from the debut album in 1970 simply called Kristofferson.

This one is played in standard tuning with a root down up down up down up rhythm pattern in a fast pace, but no lead work. Chords you'll need are G, E, A7, D, D7, Am, C, G6, A, Gb, B7 and a Bm.

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Border Lord

Album cover of Border Lord featuring songs by Kris Kristofferson and the song Border Lord

Border Lord was a 1972 album from Kris Kristofferson which didn't achieve much success at the time. He took quite a bit of flack from music critics as well for the album being well below his earlier work.

There was only one single from the album and this song was not it, instead they released one called Josie. That song charted at #70 in the US.

This one has a down down up down up pattern and a shuffle down up down up pattern as well. There is a bit of G bass in her as you'll see with the chords E, A, B, D, and G. A few riffs but no lead in standard tuning.

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Help Me Make It Through The Night

Album cover of Kristofferson featuring songs by Kris Kristofferson and the song Help Me Make It Through The Night

Help Me Make It Through The Night is also a track from the 1970 debut album called Kristofferson.

This version is from The Highwaymen and has a more up tempo vibe than the original. This is played in standard tuning with a root down up down up down up rhythm pattern and a riff that is played thoughout the song while playing the chords D, G, A, D7 and an E. There is also a lead break in this one.

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Just The Other Side Of Nowhere

Album cover of The Essential Kris Kristofferson featuring songs by Kris Kristofferson and the song Just The Other Side Of Nowhere

Just The Other Side Of Nowhere is a track from the compilation album The Essential Kris Kristofferson. To my knowledge this track was never released as a single.

In standard tuning play a root down up root up down up for this one with the chords C, G6, Am, Am/G, F, Dm, Dm7, G, C7, G7, F+6, F/E, Gb and a Caug. No picking required.

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Loving Arms

Album cover of Full Moon featuring songs by Kris Kristofferson and the song Loving Arms

Loving Arms was a duet by Kris and Rita Coolidge from their 1973 album Full Moon. Their version came out in 1974 and reached #81 on the country charts. Tom Janis wrote the song and released his version in 1974. Dobie Gray released a version in 1973 peaking at #61 and Elvis Presley had a single release in 1981 where it reach #8 on the country charts.

Play this one with capo 3rd fret and a root up down up and repeat rhythm pattern with the chords G, C, D, G7, G6, Am and a D7. You'll  have some lead in this one as well.

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Loving Her Was Easier

Album cover of The Silver Tongued Devil And I featuring songs by Kris Kristofferson and the song Loving Her Was Easier

Loving Her Was Easier hails from the 1971 album called The Silver Tongued Devil And I.

I play this one in drop D tuning with a steady root down up down up down up rhythm pattern while playing the chords D, G, A and A7. Some melody lead picking in this one. This is a Mark Chesnutt version in the video.

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Me And Bobby McGee

Album cover of Kristofferson featuring songs by Kris Kristofferson and the song Me And Bobby McGee

Me And Bobby McGee, probably the most famous song by Kris Kristofferson, was never released as a single by the artist.

The song appears on his 1970 debut album but the only single from that album was a song called To Beat The Devil, and if failed to chart.

After Janis Joplin recorded her version in 1971, this album was re-released and called Me And Bobby McGee, but still no Kristofferson single.

For rhythm here play a root down up root up down up pattern or a root down up bass up down up with the chords C, G, C, C7, F, D, A and D7. You can add in a short picking break when you transition up to the D key and play this in standard tuning.

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This Old Road

Album cover of Reposessed featuring songs by Kris Kristofferson and the song This Old Road

This Old Road is a track on the 1986 album Repossessed but was never released as a single.

I play this one with a capo 2nd fret in standard tuning using down down up down up down down and repeat rhythm pattern playing the chords G, C and D. Some lead required.

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Why Me (a.k.a. Why Me Lord)

Album cover of Jesus Was A Capricorn featuring songs by Kris Kristofferson and the song Why Me

Why Me  is a track from the 1972 album Jesus Was  A Capricorn.

I play this on in drop D tuning but that is always optional. The chords here are G, C, D and D7 with a root up down up down up and repeat rhythm pattern. Some melody lead picking here.

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