Here on this songs by Chris Ledoux page you'll find a collection of free demo covers, chord sheets, rhythm tips and more on 14 great Chris Ledoux songs you can learn on the acoustic guitar.
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Calico Moon is a track from the 1996 album Stampede. Chris Ledoux released two singles from this album but Calico Moon was not one of them.
lead in this one but a few riffs as you play through it in standard
tuning with the chords Em, Am7, D, A7, A/Db, G, G6 and a Gbm. For rhythm
play a down down up down down, followed by a down up down up down up
and repeat the pattern.
Call Of The Wild is the first track from the 1992 album "Whatcha Gonna Do With A Cowboy" which featured Garth Brooks.
This song was never released as a single.
I play this one in standard tuning with the chords Em, G, D, C, D/Gb, Am and G6 and some lead. Play a down down up - up down down up and repeat rhythm pattern using a chop rhythm, then use a steady shuffle rhythm.
Country Fair is the first track from the 1991 album Western Underground.
This song was never released as a single.
This one is played with a down up stop up down up stop up up up down up stop up and repeat rhythm pattern in standard tuning with a capo 2nd fret. The chord you'll need are a G, C, D and a C/G.
Melodies & Memories was a 1984 album from Chris Ledoux but in spite of this track being the name of the album, this song was not a single.
Instead they released "Even Cowboys Like A Little Rock n Roll" but that song failed to chart.
I play this with a capo 3rd fret with the chords G, D, Em, C, Bm, Em, C/G and Am in standard tuning. A bit of lead here as you play a 1-2-3 up down up rhythm pattern, where 1-2-3 are arpeggio notes in the chord.
Riding For A Fall was released as a single in 1990 but if failed to chart.
It was re-released a year later as one of three singles from the album "Western Underground. The song peaked at #72.
I play this one in standard tuning with a bit of picking with the chords D, A, Bm, G, A7, A7sus, A, A/Db, Gbm and Em. For rhythm play a down down up down down up and repeat pattern.
Six Bucks A Day was a bonus track on the 1994 album "Haywire".
This song was never released as a single.
Played with drop D tuning, use a down down up down up and repeat rhythm pattern. Some lead here with the chords Em, A7, D, A/Db, Bm, G and Bm/A.
Slow Down was a track from the 1993 album entitled "Haywire"
Three singles were released from album including a cover of Bruce Springsteen's Tougher Than The Rest, but this song was not a single.
I play this one with a capo 2nd fret in standard tuning with a down down up down up down up and repeat rhythm pattern. The chords you'll need are D, G, D7, Em, A7 and D/Gb with some lead.
Soft Place To Fall is a track from the 1993 album "Under This Old Hat".
This song was never released as a single.
Played in standard tuning with a capo 1st fret, you'll want to play a 1-2-3- up down up pattern, where 1-2-3 are arpeggio notes in the chord, and then use a root down up root up down up pattern. Some picking here with the chords G, A, Bm, Gbm, D, Em, A7sus, A7 and B.
Something In The Wind was a track from the Melodies and Memories album from 1984.
This song was never released as a single.
You can use Drop D Tuning here with a capo 2nd fret while playing a root down root up down up and repeat rhythm pattern. Just a few riffs here with the chords G, Bm, C, D and Em.
Ten Seconds In The Saddle is a tune from 1980 from Chris's album Western Tunesmith.
The song peaked at #96 on the US charts and was one of his first three songs to rank. The other two were released in 1979, but it wasn't until 1992 he broke into the top 10.
Use a oot down up down up down up rhythm pattern with a few riffs in standard tuning while playing the chords C, F, Am, C7, D7 and G.
The Lawman Reverend Brown goes back to 1977 from the album Sing Me A Song Mr. Rodeo Man.
This one was never released as a single.
Played in standard tuning with an E, A and B7 and no lead required. Play a simple root down up root up down up and repeat rhythm pattern for this one.
This Cowboy's Hat was a single release in 1991 from the album "Western Underground".
The song was one of three singles and peaked at #63 on the us country charts.
I use a capo 2nd fret on this one in standard tuning with the chords Am, G6, G, C, Dm, Em, E7 and E. For rhythm play a 1-2- up down and repeat where 1-2 are arpeggio notes on the chord.
Under This Old Hat hails from the 1993 album of the same name.
The song was a #54 on the US country charts and a #53 on the Canadian country charts.
Another one with a capo 2nd fret in standard tuning but with a down up down up and repeat rhythm pattern with walking bass. Some lead here with the chords Am, D, G, D7, Bm, E7, C, A, F and F#.
Workin' Mans Dollar was a single release back in the beginning of Ledoux's career from his first album called "Western Underground".
This song peaked at #69 on the US country chart.
For rhythm here use a down down up down up down down and repeat pattern with no lead and in standard tuning. The chords in this one are A, D, G and a C.
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