Here on this Ricky Martin most popular songs page you'll find a collection of demo covers, free chord sheets, rhythm tips and more on how to play a few Ricky Martin songs on the acoustic.
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Livin La Vida Loca was the first single from the debut Englis album from Ricky Martin simply titles "Ricky Marin" back in 1999. This song was a monster hit for Ricky Martin hitting #1 in over 20 countries, including the US. It also broke many records for staying on charts the longest and won several awards in various categories.
She Bangs was a single in 2000 from the album Sound Loaded and did hit #1 on the US Latin chart as well as in six other countries. The music video was banned in several countries for being a bit too racy. William Hung, a contestant on the 2004 American Idol, did a not so favourable cover version for the show.
She's All I Ever Had is also from the 1999 debut album from Ricky Martin. Keep in mind Ricky Martin had released 8 studio albums prior to 1999 going back to 1991, but they were all in Spanish. This song peaked at #2 in the US and #3 in Canada.
Thanks for stropping by my Ricky Martin songs page and I hope the info here helps you learn some tine from this artist on the acoustic.