Here on this guitar chords for Bread songs page you'll find a collection of demo covers and full lesson tutorials available for purchase along with several free chord sheets in .pdf format. Help yourself to the free chord sheets where available.
Baby I'm A Want YouBaby I'm A Want You was released first in Oct 1971 ahead of the album of the same name which came out in Jan 1972.
The song was a #3 hit for Billboard.
Play this one in standard tuning with a
down down up down up down - down up down up and repeat
rhythm pattern. Some lead in this one with the chords
Bm, Am7, G, C/G, C and Dsus.
Goodbye Girl appeared on a David Gates solo album released in late 1977 of the same name and appeared in the movie Goodbye Girl in 1978.
The song reached #3 on the Billboard charts.
This one had a capo 3rd fret in standard tuning with the chords
C, Em, Fmaj7, G, Gsus, Am, Dm, D7 and G7. Just a few riffs with the rhythm pattern
down down up down up and repeat.
Guitar Man hails from the 1972 album "Guitar Man". The song reached #1 on the Adult Contemporary chart and #11 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.
A few artists have covered this song up through the years.
Some lead in this lesson with the chords
G, C, D, Em, A7, Cmaj7, Am7, Bm, Am, Am/Gb, D/Gb and E7
in standard tuning. Use the rhythm pattern
down down up down up - down up down up down up and repeat.
If was one of the shortest titles of a song before Prince released a song called "7" and later Britney Spears with a song called "3". The song released in 1971 was a #4 hit in the US and a #6 song in Canada. It's from the album "Manna".
It's also one of the most wedding first dance tunes. It's also been covered by many artists including Andy Williams, Olivia Newton John, Frank Sinatra, Tom Jones and many others.
Telly Savalas spoke most of the songs lyrics and had a #1 in the UK in 1975.
Use a
down down up down down up down up and repeat
here but no lead required. The chords are
A, Amaj7, A7, D, Dm, E, Esus, Asus2, Gbm, Gbm/F, D6, E m6, Gb and Bm.
It Don't Matter To Me was from the groups debut album "Bread" in 1970.
The song was a top 10 in both Canada and the US.
With the chords
D, A/Db, C, A#, Am7, A7sus, Cmaj7, Fmaj7, Dmaj7 and Gmaj7 , no lead required here. Play
down strokes along with a and down down up down up down up
rhythm pattern in standard tuning.
Let Your Love Go was from Bread's Manna album in 1971, their third album, and this song was a single from that album.
It only charted in Australia reaching #34.
The rhythm here is
down strokes and some down up down up
pattern with some lead. The chords needed are
E, D, D#, G, A, B, C, F and Dm.
Look What You've Done comes from the album "On The Waters" released in 1970.
This song was not released as a single.
No lead in this song while playing the chords
G, C, Am, D, Fmaj7, D7, Am7 and Dsus in standard tuning. For rhythm play a
down down up down down up pattern and later a shuffle pattern.
Never Let Her Go was a song from David Gates solo career which was in full swing by 1975. This song comes from his second album of the same name.
In 1975 the song was #29 on Billboard and #3 on the Adult Contemporary charts.
A little picking in this lesson with the chords Gmaj7, D7sus, Em, D, Bm, C and Am in standard tuning.
Play a
down down up down up down up and repeat
rhythm pattern.
Thank you for checking out my guitar chords for Bread songs page and I hope the info here was helpful.