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Dire Straits Band Songs
On The Acoustic

Here on this Dire Straits band songs page you'll find a collection of demo covers, free chord sheets, some rhythm tips and some background info on these songs. There are free chord sheets and some rhythm tips as well.

dire straits band songs

If you need a full lesson tutorial, those are available for purchase for a few bucks each or cheaper (see discounts listed above).

Hand In Hand
How Long
On Every Street
Our Shangri-la
Poor Boy Blues
Six Blade Knife
So Far Away
Solid Rock
The Bug
The Walk Of Life
This Is Us
Twisting By The Pool
Water Of Love

Dire Straits Band Songs
Chords, Lyrics, Demos, Tutorials

Hand In Hand

Album cover of Making Movies featuring Dire Straits band songs and the song Hand In Hand

Hand In Hand was never released as a single but can be found on the bands 1980 album Making Movies.

There were three singles released from this album.

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How Long

Album cover of On Every Street featuring Dire Straits band songs and the song How Long

How Long is a track on the "On Every Street" album which was a 1991 release. 

This track never made it out as a single.

This one is played with the  chords D, D7, G and an A7 in standard tuning with some lead. For rhythm play a root down root up down up and repeat pattern.

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On Every Street

Album cover of On Every Street featuring Dire Straits band songs and the song On Every Street

On Every Street was a single release back in 1992 from the album of the same name.

The song hit #23 in France and #42 in the UK. The song did not chart in the US.

I play this one in standard tuning and no lead required while playing mainly just down strokes for rhythm until the end, then use a down up stop up and repeat pattern. For chords you'll need an F, C, G, Am, G6, E, Em, Dm, A+ and a Gsus.

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Our Shangri-la

Album cover of Shangri-La featuring Dire Straits band songs and the song Our Shangri-La

Our Shangri-La is a track from Mark Knopfler's 4th studio album which came out in 2004 called simply "Shangri-la".

To my knowledge the song was never released as a single.

This one is played in standard tuning with the chords E, A6/9, Asus2, B7, A, Abm, Gb and an Esus and with some lead. For rhythm play a 1-2-3 up down up down up and repeat where 1-2-3 are arpeggio notes on the chords.

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Poor Boy Blues

Album cover of Neck And Neck featuring Dire Straits band songs and the song Poor Boy Blues

Poor Boy Blues was a duet track between Mark Knopflier and Chet Atkins from an album they did together in 1990-91 called Neck and Neck.

The song won a Grammy for best country vocal collaboration. I'm not sure how well the single did on the charts.

The chords in this one are B, Gb, A, B7 and an E with some lead work required. Played in standard tuning with a down down up down up down up and repeat rhythm pattern or use a root down up root up down up pattern.

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Six Blade Knife

Album cover of Dire Straits featuring Dire Straits band songs and the song Six Blade Knife

Six Blade Knife is a track from the bands debut album of 1978.

The song was never released as a single.

Chords & Lyrics unavailable at this time

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So Far Away

Album cover of Brothers In Arms featuring Dire Straits band songs and the song So Far Away

So Far Away was one of five singles released from the highly successful Brothers In Arms album of 1985.

The song made it into the top 25 in several countries and hit #6 in New Zealand.

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Solid Rock

Album cover of Making Movies featuring Dire Straits band songs and the song Solid Rock

Solid Rock is another track from the album Making Movies.

This song was also not one of the three single releases from the album.

Chords & Lyrics unavailable at this time

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The Bug

Album cover of On Every Street featuring Dire Straits band songs and the song The Bug

The Bug hails from the last Dire Straits album in 1991 called "On Every Street" and was released as a single. Mary Chapin Carpenter had more success with her single the following year reaching #16 on the country charts.

Only an E, A and D for chords in this one but with some lead and played in standard tuning. I play a down up down up down up rhythm,  just a steady up and down pattern.

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The Walk Of Life

Album cover of Brothers In Arms featuring Dire Straits band songs and the song Walk Of Life

Walk Of Life is a track from the highly successful "Brothers In Arms" album which was released in the spring of 1985. It was first a B-side to So Far Away before the album came out.

But eventually was released as an A-side single and peaked at #7 in the US and hit #2 in the UK. The song almost never made it onto the album but their manager Ed Bicknell convinced Knopfler to include it.

Here I play a capo 2nd fret in standard tuning with the chords D, G and A. A few riffs as you play a down up down up and repeat rhythm pattern.

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This Is Us - Knopfler - Harris

This Is Us ... info soon.

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Twisting By The Pool

Album cover of ExtendancEPlay featuring Dire Straits band songs and the song Twisting By The Pool

Twisting By The Pool was released as a single back in 1983 and was their only single from the album ExtenedancEPlay.

The song went to #1 in New Zealand and #2 in Australia. In the Us and Canada the song was a top 20 hit. 

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Water Of Love

Album cover of Dire Straits featuring Dire Straits band songs and the song Water Of Love

Water Of Love was one of two tracks that were released as a single from their 1978 debut album Dire Straits. 

This song failed to chart but the other single, Sultans Of Swing, put the band on the map with that song which was a top 10 in several countries.

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