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Baby I Love You was an old song originally recorded by The Rondells
back in1963. The Ramones covered the song for their 1980s album End Of The Century. It was released in the UK as a single and peaked at #8.
This one was recorded a fret higher in G# so use a capo if necessary with the chords , G, Am, Am7, D, G7, and Cm. Use a down down up down up down up and repeat rhythm pattern and only a few riffs in this one.
Beautiful Girl ... info soon
Couldn't Get It Right released this song in 1976 as a single from their album "Gold Plated".
The song came out of nowher according to bassist Derek Holt and the song went to #10 in the UK, #8 in Canada and #3 in the US.
The Police released this song from the 1983 album "Synchronicity" and was a number one hit in both the United States and Canada.
Fields Of Gold ... info soon.
Fool If You Think It's Over ... info soon.
Get Lucky comes from the bands 4th and final album "Random Access Memories" from 2013. American singer Pharrell Williams is on this track. The song took 18 months to complete but it paid off.
The song was a #1 in many European countries as well as the US and #2 in Canada.
Play this one with a capo 2nd fret in standard tuning. I use a a steady up and down shuffle pattern with no lead and the chords Am, C, Em and D.
It's All Gone ... info soon
Stay With Me was this bands only major hit when it was released as a single back in 1971. Faces of course was a band in which both Rod Stewart and Ronnie Wood were both members.
The song if from their 3rd album "A Nod Is As Good As A Wink". The song reached #4 in Canada, #6 in the UK and #17 in the US.
Thank you for stopping by this classic rock songs for guitar page and I hope the info here was helpful.