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Best Anne Murray Guitar Songs

Welcome to my Best Anne Murray Guitar Songs page! Here, you'll find free Anne Murray guitar chords and lyrics in a downloadable PDF, along with acoustic demo videos to help you learn some of her most beloved classics.

best anne murray guitar songs

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced player, these lessons will guide you through the chords, strumming patterns, and techniques to bring Anne Murray’s timeless hits to life on your guitar.

Best Anne Murray Guitar Songs
Demos, Chords & Lyrics

Broken Hearted Me
I Can See Arkansas
I Can See Clearly Now
I Just Fall In Love Again
Just Another Woman In Love
What About Me
You Needed Me

Broken Hearted Me - Learn To Play On Guitar

Album cover for 'I'll Always Love You' featuring the song 'Broken Hearted Me' by Anne Murray – Learn to play on guitar.

Broken Hearted Me became another #1 smash hit for Anne Murray in 1979 when this song hit the airwaves from the album I'll Always Love You.

This song also did well on several US charts but reached #1 in Canada and the US. England Dan and John Ford Coley had recorded the song prior to Anne but they never had the success she had with her single.

Chords And Strumming

This one is played with a capo 1st fret and has some piano in the beginning and that is explained in the full lesson tutorial. You start off playing just down strokes but eventually you play a down down up down up and repeat rhythm pattern. No lead except for that piano riff but a lot of chords including C, CG#, Am/G, Am7, Gsus, G, C7, F, Am, Dm, D/Gb, Fm, Em, E, Esus, F/C#.

Guitar Lesson Details

Learn to play this heartfelt ballad with easy-to-follow chord progressions and a smooth arpeggio/rhythm guitar style.

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I Can See Arkansas - Learn To Play On Guitar

Album cover for 'Yes I Do' album featuring the song 'I Can See Arkansas' by Anne Murray – Learn to play on guitar.

I Can See Arkansas was released as a single from Anne's Yes I Do album from 1992 and scored a #9 hit on the charts in Canada.

Steve Wariner also recorded the song a few years earlier in 1990 and David Ball also recorded the song in 2004.

Chords And Strumming

You can play this one without a capo but if you're a guy trying to sing this, it may not be in the correct key vocally, so I put a capo on the 2nd and sang it a bit low here. You can play a down down up down up followed by a down up down up down up and repeat that pattern. Some melody lead in this one with the chords Fmaj7, C, G, C7, G6 and Am and played in standard tuning.

Guitar Lesson Details

Master the gentle country rhythm and soothing chord transitions of this classic Anne Murray tune.

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I Can See Clearly Now - Learn To Play On Guitar

Album cover for the album 'What A Wonderful World' featuring the song 'I Can See Clearly Now' featuring Anne Murray’s version – Learn to play on guitar.

I Can See Clearly Now was recorded by Anne Murray for her 1999 album What A Wonderful World, but the song was never released by her as a single.

It's an old 1972 song from Johnny Nash who had a big hit with the song and was also recorded by Jimmy Cliff in 1993.

Chords And Strumming

You'll need to play a shuffle rhythm here to make this work so play a down down up with a muted up down up down and then play the up stroke. In some places you'll also play a steady shuffle pattern. In standard tuning and no lead with the chords C, F, G, A#, D#, Bm and Am.

Guitar Lesson Details

Strum along to this uplifting classic with a simple yet catchy chord pattern and light rhythm.

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I Just Fall In Love Again - Learn To Play On Guitar

Album cover for the album 'New Kind Of Feeling and faeturing the song 'I Just Fall In Love Again' by Anne Murray – Learn to play on guitar.

I Just Fall In Love Again was recorded by three artists in quick succession. First by The Carpenters, but since the song was over 4 min, her label decided not to release their version as a single. The Dusty Springfield recorded the song 6 months prior to Anne Murray, who was a huge fan of Dusty Springfield.

Anne put the track on her album New Kind Of Feeling but had no idea Springfield had recorded the the song prior and stated had she known that fact, she would not have recorded her version. What a mistake that would have been as the song went to #1 in both Canada and the US. 

Chords And Strumming

This is another one with piano in the intro and outro an played in standard tuning. You'll play a down down down up down pattern for the most part but you can shuffle the pattern in a few places. Only lead is the piano part while playing the chords C, D7, Dm7, Gsus, G, C, Adim, F, Em, Am, Dm7, E, Esus and a Dsus.

Guitar Lesson Details

Capture the soft, romantic feel of this song with beautiful chord voicings and gentle strumming.

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Just Another Woman In Love - Learn To Play On Guitar

Album cover for the album 'A Little Good New' and featuring the song 'Just Another Woman In Love' by Anne Murray – Learn to play on guitar.

Just Another Woman In Love can be found on the 1984 album from Anne Murray entitled A Little Good News. This was another #1 for Anne in the US and Canada. The album won the CMA Award for Album Of The Year as well.

There were three singles from the album including the title track A Little Good News which was #1 in Canada and #2 in the USA.

Chords And Strumming

The song has two rhythm patterns with the first being a 1-2-3 up down up down up where 1-2-3 are the arpeggio notes of the chords your one. And then once you hit the chorus you'll switch to a root up down up root up down up rhythm. No lead in this one with the chords G, Am, D, G7, C, B7 and an Em.

Guitar Lesson Details

Play along to this country-pop favorite with a relaxed tempo and smooth chord changes.

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Snowbird - Learn To Play On Guitar

Album cover for 'This Way Is My Way' and festuring the song 'Snowbird' by Anne Murray – Learn to play on guitar.

Snowbird hails from the 1969 album entitled This Way Is My Way and was released as a single in 1970. The song was written by Gene MacLellan and had been recorded by other artists before Anne Murray put her signature stamp on the song.

Even Elvis could not out rank Anne who scored a #2 in Canada with the song and a #8 in the US.

Chords And Strumming

This one only has 5 chords and they are C, Em, Dm, G and an F near the end of the song. Played in standard tuning with a root down up down up down up rhythm pattern you'll pick a bit of lead in the middle of this one.

Guitar Lesson Details

Learn the signature strumming style that brings out the gentle melody of Anne Murray’s breakout hit.

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What About Me - Learn To Play On Guitar

Album cover for 'Danny's Dong' and featuring the song 'What About Me' by Anne Murray – Learn to play on guitar.

What About Me was written by American folk singer Scott MacKenzie who was most famous for his song called San Francisco. Anne Murray put this number on her 1973 album called Danny's Song. This was a live version and the song went to #1 in Canada. She had previously recorded a studio version for her 1968 album of the same name, but the song did not chart at that time.

Other artists who have covered this song include Joni Mitchell, Ian and Sylvia, Ken Tobias and John Denver.

Chords And Strumming

I play this one with a capo 1st because it's a bit too low vocally with the chords G, D, C, Em and an A7. This one has a steady rhythm with  root down up down up down up and repeat pattern and some lead required in standard tuning.

Guitar Lesson Details

Strum through the up-beat chords and rhythmic flow of this introspective number.

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You Needed Me - Learn To Play On Guitar

Album cover for 'Lets Keep It That Way' and featuring the song 'You Needed Me' by Anne Murray – Learn to play on guitar.

You Needed Me track can be found on Anne Murray's 1978 album called Let's Keep It That Way. This song was one of the biggest hits of her career as it was #1 in Canada and the US and made it into the top 5 on two other US charts.

The song also won a Grammy Award for best female pop vocal performance in 1979 and was also a top 10 in Ireland, Australia and New Zealand.

Chords And Strumming

This one has a combo pattern of arpeggio and rhythm by playing a 1-2 up down up and repeat or play a 1-2 down up down up will also work for the rhythm. No lead and in standard tuning you'll need to play an A, D/A, Esus, E, Dbm, D, B7, Abm, C#7, Gbm, A/Db and a Gb7 near the end.

Guitar Lesson Details

Play this timeless hit with easy-to-learn chord progressions and a heartfelt strumming pattern.

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Thanks for stopping by my best Anne Murray guitar songs page and I hope the info here was useful in helping you learn how to play of these Anne Murray hits on the guitar.

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